
Are you ready to say goodbye to your damaged skin? With innovative Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photofacial procedure, rejuvenating your skin is now easier than ever. This is the latest technique in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine and is recognized as the most effective approach in treating skins with;

  • Sun damage
  • Rosacea
  • Hyperpigmentations
  • Melasma
  • Blotchy skin and much more.

If you are suffering from any of these problems, this might be what you were looking for! The IPL procedure is simple and easy to perform. For about 30 minutes, intense pulse of light will penetrate deep into the skin. This will cause the cause the blood vessels and the collagen in the dermis to constrict, reducing the signs f skin aging and redness. Most of the benefits of IPL will be evident in the weeks following the treatment. Sometimes, radio waves will also be combined with light waves to maximize its effect s. The need for a combined treatment completely depends on the type of the skin as well as the depth of the skin damage.

This is a quick and easy procedure with a requirement of no downtime and is the best fit for those busy people who find it hard to save some time for their skin health. While some skins can be sensitive, it is necessary that you consult with our expert before you start any treatments. During the consultations, your skin will be tested and also the outcome will be predicted. If skin redness, skin damages, and skin discolorations are what bother you, IPL might be the perfect solution for most of your problems! Z Med Spa is here to help you with the world’s most advanced techniques in skincare.