Non-Surgical Breast Lift

The Youth Breast Lift is a non-surgical breast lift that uses your own natural blood cells to lift the breast and improve nipple sensation. There are women who cannot afford to take time off from work to recuperate from an aggressive surgical procedure like a breast lift. While women may like the size of their breasts, some would like more pronounced cleavage or more volume at the top of their breasts. Z Medi Spa Youth Breast Lift will improve the shape of the breasts without invasive surgery.

The aim of the Youth Breast Lift is to do what a well-made bra would do; provide lift and cleavage. Good candidates for this procedure are women who are not looking to dramatically change the size of their breasts. Women who are looking to give their breasts a more youthful appearance are ideal candidates. The injections will last about 12-24 months, depending on individual patients.

What Makes The Youth Breast Lift™ Unique?

The combination of procedures is what sets this technique apart from its breast lift, and injectable filler, counterparts. The entire procedure takes less than an hour.

Blood is then drawn from your arm ?in the same way it would be for a normal blood test. Once blood has been collected, it is then centrifuged and the platelets are separated from the red blood cells.

The platelets are then introduced to a calcium chloride solution which causes the platelets to release growth factors. Small amounts of synthetic injectable fillers like Restylane or Juvederm may be added to the mixture as well if needed. Once all the ingredients have been combined, a small gauge needle is used to inject the product into specific areas of the breast which has been numbed. The procedure is very tolerable with minimal discomfort and little downtime.

Youth Breast Lift Results

We believe the best part of this procedure is that it’s getting back to what beauty is all about. It works at the stem cell level, generating new tissue. The procedure brings sensation back into the breast, areola and nipples.

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