Laser Skin Tightening

Clear Lift Laser Alma


Skin tightening has always been a topic of interest. With the approval of FDA, laser skin tightening has become one of the mainline treatments used to battle skin drooping and sagging. Laser skin tightening stimulates body's collagen production and improves its elasticity. If you are worried about your saggy skin and lines, this treatment can reform your skin into a taut and firmer appearance.  Whether it is your face, neck, tummy, thighs or buttocks, the single easy solution could be a treatment with clear lift laser Alma. Many young women who suffer from postnatal skin sagging have witnessed positive results from this therapy conducted at our Z Med Spa.

It all works on the basis of stimulating dermal collagen production. Using Laser Alma, the energy penetrates down into dermal layers increasing its functions. This does not cause any harm to superficial layers of the skin. While keeping the epidermis intact, the laser falls onto the dermis tightening the skin. The procedure is safe, easy and non-invasive with minimal downtime and no recovery period. Usually, you will need about 4-6 treatments depending on the quality of the skin.

Wrinkles, skin sags and fine lines are the signs of aging and can affect a person's beauty and confidence in many ways. Our Z Med Spa is happy to help you with these laser treatments to tighten your skin and give your skin a youthful appearance. Our Spa guides you through the process and acknowledges you on how it proceeds. If you are looking for a way of getting rid of your loose skin, contact us and book an appointment with our expert today.